"LEAN Thinking" Resources
You can find LEAN Information, case studies, articles and other resources from around the globe via the following links:
USA Case Studies
UK Articles
Australian Webinars
China Articles
France Articles
Association for Manufacturing Excellence (Australia) Blogs
Australasian Lean Healthcare Network
LEAN Global Network
LEAN Institute South Africa
LEAN Gulf Institute – UAE
LEAN Management Instituut – The Netherlands
LEAN Management Institute of India
Planet LEAN
Lean Green Institute
The 5S System
An easy-to-understand pictorial of the 5S Methodology
Lean Enterprise Partners
Six Sigma - Maximising Return on Investment
Research from a Lean Six Sigma consultancy business in the UK with regards to the benefits of using Lean Six Sigma methodologies.
Lean thinking for the NHS
Implementing Lean thinking in the Healthcare Industry
Lean Enterprise Academy UK
Lean Manufacturing
The principles followed by Toyota in Lean Manufacturing
14 Principles of The Toyota Way